Goldnews Magazine
“Claudio Pino”
Claudio Pino by Feyza Kudun
Goldnews Magazine, July 2014, Turkey
pp. 111-115
Lola Magazine
“Claudio Pino”
by Pineda Damian
Lola Magazine, June 2014, Mexico
p. 18, 19
Canadian Jeweller Magazine
“Claudio Pino”
By Véronique Dubé
Canadian Jeweller Magazine, Jan. 2014, Canada
p. 55, 56
Canadian Jeweller Magazine
“Claudio Pino”
By Véronique Dubé
Canadian Jeweller Magazine, Jan. 2014, Canada
p. 55, 56
Claudio Pino
“Claudio Pino”
By Véronique Dubé
Canadian Jeweller Magazine, Jan. 2014, Canada
p. 55, 56
Magacin, Claudio Pino, Puerto Rico
Magacín – Puerto Rico USA
“Diseño delirante”
By Larissa Vázquez Zapata
Magacín, April 2014, Puerto Rico, USA
pp. 32-34
ELLE Québec
“Anneaux Futuristes”
By Martina Djogo
Elle Québec, April 2014, Québec
JOYA Magazine
“Claudio Pino”
By Damian Pineda
JOYA Magazine, April 2014, Mexico
pp. 109-115
Journal de Montréal
“Le talent québécois mis à profit”
by Maxime Demers
Journal de Montréal, Nov. 2013, Canada
Steampunk Jewelry
“Steampunk Jewelry”
By Spurgeon Vaughn Ratcliffe
Steampunk Jewelry, Graffito Book, 2014, London, UK
pp.102 to 109.
“As a boy, Claudio was fascinated by the world of Jules Vernes. However, it was the work of Japanese film director, Hayao Miyazaki, which brought him into the steampunk movement. “Animated movie like Nausica of the Valley of the Wind and Laputa – Castle in the sky are what rooted me in the scene.” ….
Canadian Jeweller Magazine
“Claudio Pino”
By Véronique Dubé
Canadian Jeweller Magazine, Jan. 2014, Canada
p. 55, 56
Canadian Jeweller Magazine
“Claudio Pino”
By Véronique Dubé
Canadian Jeweller Magazine, Jan. 2014, Canada
pp. 44 – 48
Gold and Time Magazine
“La Joyeria Cinetica”
By Jorge Rojas
Gold & Time Magazine, November 2013, Barcelone, Spain
National Jeweller
“10x: Kinetically speaking, these rings move”
By Hannah Connorton
National Jeweler -New York, Fashion Editor, May 2012, New York, USA
Claudio Pino, National Jeweller
“10x: Kinetically speaking, these rings move”
By Hannah Connorton
National Jeweler -New York, Fashion Editor, May 2012, New York, USA
ANOKHI Magazine
By Jacqueline Parrish
Summer Picks
ANOKHI magazine, Summer 2012
Chic Metal Magazine
“Claudio Pino: Lord of the Ring”
By Victoria Tillotson
Chic Metal Magazine, June 2010, USA
VJ Jewellery Vicenza Magazine
“Claudio Pino”
VJ Jewellery Vicenza Magazine, Nov. 2013, Italy
p. 3, 108
Lapidary Journal – Jewellery Artists
“Movable Gems”
Spinning, rotating, and revolving stones.
By Annie Usburn
Lapidary Journal – Jewellery Artists, September 2008, USA
p. 46
Le journal ICI
“Bijoux d’art”
By Patricia Perron
ICI, December 2008, Montreal, Canada
Bejeweled Magazine
“Designer Interview”
By Karen Lee
Bejeweled Magazine, Winter 2008, Hong Kong
pp. 34-35
Flagpole Magazine
“Fire and Ice”
By Rebecca Brantley
Flagpole Magazine, October 1st 2008, USA
Salon des Métiers d’arts du Québec à Montréal
“Claudio Pino”
Poster by Annick Burion
Salon des Métiers d’arts du Québec à Montréal, 2003, Montreal, Canada
VJ Vincenza Jewellery
“When the Game gets Elegance”
The adult world with eyes of teenagers
Vicenza Jewellery, April 13-15, 2012, Italy
Gold & Time Magazine
“La Joyeria Cinetica”
By Jorge Rojas
Gold & Time Magazine, November 2013, Barcelone, Spain
“Jewellers of Quebec ”
Exhibition Review
By Dianne Karg Baron
MAGazine, V27, No.2, 2012, Canada
Journal Le Figaro
“Des Plumes et des Aigues”
Bertin-Toublanc Gallery
Journal Le Figaro, April 13-15, 2005, France
MAGgazine / Originally published in the Toronto Star
“Not for the Faith of Art”
By Rita Zetkas
MAG Magazine / Originally published in the Toronto Star, Fall 2007, Canada
pp. 28-29
MAGgazine / Originally published in the Toronto Star
“Not for the Faith of Art”
By Rita Zetkas
MAG Magazine / Originally published in the Toronto Star, Fall 2007, Canada
pp. 28-29
JCK Magazine
“Protea’s Moonlight Ring with Yellow Diamonds and Onyx by Claudio Pino”
Style 360
By Jennifer Heebner
JCK Magazine, November 7 2012, New York, USA
CJ – Canadian Jewellery Magazine
“Art meets Science,
Claudio Pino designs sculptural rings that reflects the wearer’s movement”
By Bonnie Siegler
CJ – Canadian Jewellery Magazine, January 2012, Canada
pp. 70-71
CJ – Canadian Jewellery Magazine
“Art meets Science,
Claudio Pino designs sculptural rings that reflects the wearer’s movement”
By Bonnie Siegler
CJ – Canadian Jewellery Magazine, January 2012, Canada
pp. 70-71
Lapidary Journal – Jewelry Artist Magazine
“Ring on the move”
Facets. News and Innovations
Lapidary Journal – Jewelry Artist Magazine, December 2009, USA
Jewelry Artist Magazine
“Magic and Movement,
Claudio Pino’s kinetic rings are cyclic jeweled worlds”
By Nina Graci
Jewelry Artist Magazine, September 2008, USA
p.35, pp. 46-53
Jewelry Artist Magazine
“Magic and Movement,
Claudio Pino’s kinetic rings are cyclic jeweled worlds”
By Nina Graci
Jewelry Artist Magazine, September 2008, USA
p.35, pp. 46-53
Jewelry Artist Magazine
“Magic and Movement,
Claudio Pino’s kinetic rings are cyclic jeweled worlds”
By Nina Graci
Jewelry Artist Magazine, September 2008, USA
p.35, pp. 46-53
Lapidary Journal Magazine
“Claudio Pino Exhibits”
Facets. News and Product Innovations
Lapidary Journal Magazine, June 2013, USA
Solitaire Fashion Magazine – Singapore, Asia Pacific Edition
By Nida Seah
Solitaire Fashion Magazine, Asia Pacific Edition, February-March 2009, Singapore
PULP magazine
“Claudio Pino”
Photography by Arkan Zakharov
Interview by Naeme El-Zein
Model: Masha (Folio Montreal), H&M: Paco (L’Éloi)
Rings by Claudio Pino.
PULP No.5, July 2012, Canada
PULP magazine
“Claudio Pino”
Photography by Arkan Zakharov
Interview by Naeme El-Zein
Model: Masha (Folio Montreal), H&M: Paco (L’Éloi)
Rings by Claudio Pino.
PULP No.5, July 2012, Canada
PULP magazine
“Claudio Pino”
Photography by Arkan Zakharov
Interview by Naeme El-Zein
Model: Masha (Folio Montreal), H&M: Paco (L’Éloi)
Rings by Claudio Pino.
PULP No.5, July 2012, Canada
PULP magazine
“Claudio Pino”
Photography by Arkan Zakharov
Interview by Naeme El-Zein
Model: Masha (Folio Montreal), H&M: Paco (L’Éloi)
Rings by Claudio Pino.
PULP No.5, July 2012, Canada
PULP Magazine
“Claudio Pino”
Photography by Arkan Zakharov
Interview by Naeme El-Zein
Model: Masha (Folio Montreal), H&M: Paco (L’Éloi)
Rings by Claudio Pino.
PULP No.5, July 2012, Canada
PULP Magazine
“Claudio Pino”
Photography by Arkan Zakharov
Interview by Naeme El-Zein
Model: Masha (Folio Montreal), H&M: Paco (L’Éloi)
Rings by Claudio Pino.
PULP No.5, July 2012, Canada
Claudio Pino, Solitaire Magazine
By Nida Seah
Solitaire Fashion Magazine, Asia Pacific Edition, February-March 2009, Singapore
Claudio Pino, MJSA Journal
“Light Show. Claudio Pino captures the night sky in Magnificent Stellaire”
By Shannon L. Brown
MJSA Journal – Professional Excellence in Jewelry Making & Design, July 2012, USA
pp. 40-41
FLARE Magazine
“FLARE January ’13 – Beauty Cover. Kinetic Rings by Claudio Pino”
Photography: Andrew Soule
Model: Jeanna Earle, Fashion Styling: Corey Ng
Makeup: David Allan Jones, Hair: Justin German
Rings: Claudio Pino
FLARE Magazine, January 2013, Canada
p. 20
Jewellery Business Magazine
“Shop Smart, Sell swift – The pricing sweet spot and the colours customers crave”
By Diana Jarrett
Jewellery Business Magazine, August 2012, USA
Accessories Magazine
“Style/CULTURE -10 Key influencers – Accessories looks at What’s HIP and Happening Now”
By Lauren Parker
Accessories Magazine, May 2012, USA